Dear Shelley,
I have sweet confessions
inlaid with gold,
but for me to tell you
would be too bold.

Although I would like
to share my love,
I doubt you'd like
what I'm made of.

Though I am made
of petals of rose
that's not your taste,
a part of me knows.

And yet such longing
and such despair
of wanting belonging
not when nor where.

For time is no factor
in my small sorrow,
as it's still an actor
when comes the morrow.

So close yet so far
is the way that we are,
when so like in lattice
and so unlike in practice.

My love for you
so entwined with romance
is much ado
because it gives me no chance.

Copyright ©2000 Ashi Shadow
Interestingly, I found this very very flattering description of me on her webpage recently:) (recently being 2004!)
[My Real Name] - [My Real Name] is damn cool. He has a gnarly beard and wears cowboy boots. He and Sid are brothers. When he first joined I thought that he was older than Sid but it was the opposite way around.