The sands of time whittle men down
It makes the weak die, it does the same to the strong
The icy wind of death blows what's left away
At the end of night there is little left for day
But the great are left untouched at dawn
For none can touch what some recall
And so there are those who live forever
Immortals by names, the ones we call legends
The ones who were right, the ones who were wrong
The ones who were wise, the ones who were strong
The ones who were fools, the ones who were intelligent
The ones who were boring, and the one we called Derrick.

Copyright ©2000 Ashi Shadow
The next one was written in accordance with the DERRICK-LEGEND poem, and I call it


Each man shall die, as you shall die
Some shall remain in memory's eye
Some shall be forgotten, some shall disappear
Of those who do great, we shall certainly hear
But those that ARE great, those with honor
Their legacy shall by far, be those that last longer.

Copyright ©2000 Ashi Shadow