Depression is my god.
If I hide behind my tears,
I can blame my depression
when I've gotten something wrong.

If I fail
at what I'm trying,
I can blame the sadness,
instead of the world.

If my work lies half finished,
it's because I only tried to accomplish it

When I drop my pen
      from my clutch,
it's only because I was sad,
and never because of my inadequacy.

My depression is my God,
because it lets me blame something other than myself
whenever I do something wrong.
Copyright ©2006 Ashi Shadow 9/9/06

This poem does not reflect me, it's a concept based on me, but is not me. I stole the word profound from Heather. She referred to it as that, or part of it as that. Though it was more than what's above.

The second stanza and first stanza are supposed to be comparisons to God. People who believe in God might say "God has a plan" instead of blaming the world/being angry with the world, the depressed person could blame their sadness for causing them to fail in getting the job (from not preparing well, much like someone might blame God if they didn't have time to prepare well. Err.. blame is not the right word.) Rest is fairly self explanatory given that theme.

(The inadequacy one is another important line, blaming the sadness for one's shortcomings, not quite the same as the above but similar to it.) The point is blaming the sadness, in one case instead of blaming the world, in the other case instead of blaming one's self. (taking responsibility)