Waves of the past crash
on the shores of the present,
I've forgotten how to swim
beyond the quells to my future.
I've cut my foot
on the coral reefs,
and now I'm drowning in the present.
In September I leave for Chicago,
and I'm vanishing before our birthdays,
but instead of cherished time with you,
these days are lost in waste.
So I spend my last nights speeding
down the open country road,
the wind playing with my hair,
where your fingers could have been.
Copyright ©2003 Ashi Shadow

5/12/03 on Katie. Allusion to foot cut in it... (We had gone snorkeling together and I'd cut my foot really badly on the coral- more than 1/2 a cm deep, the scab was completely gone after some 5 weeks. It was the same day we saw the giant turtles and the first time I'd seen her in a bikini top. Initially I intentionally didn't look at her directly, and then I took one look at her and her body was even more gorgeous than I'd have ever imagined. I was like "Oh my God" and never let myself look at her body directly again.)