Follow me
and I will guide you to a world
where you can read what is written
on the inner skin of an egg shell

Take my hand
and we'll dance until we've made
a mosaic in the sand with the imprints
from our toes

When the stars are swallowed
by black clouds that are veined with
cords of light, we'll echo the thunder
with laughter

We'll lie in the surf
and the waves will drum against our feet
until we laugh under a blanket
of sea foam--clean

When it starts to rain
each drop will be a kiss
from the stars
that whispers
'hush hush, now
it will be bright in the morning.'

So come with me
and close your eyes and sleep,
the worlds where we'll go
start with a dream.

Copyright ©2011 Ashi Shadow - By Heaven, partially inspired by me, two last stanzas edited by me.