I tried to make the day last longer for you.
I grabbed the Sun by the cuff
  and tried to keep it out
for another twenty minutes
that you might see the barley grains
wave just a little bit longer.
They, waving goodbye,
  after a day of
  patting our calves
  in worship of us.
They knew that you are beautiful,
because you are a human,
but they did not know just how spectacularly beautiful you are
even among the humans.
For you,
I would hold back the cold
with my open hand,
for as long as I was able,
that you may enjoy seeing the winter's blue ice
without icicles growing on your lashes.
On a summer's evening,
I would draw the warmth of the Earth
out of the ground with my will,
so that you may experience the feel of a fireplace
without the hearth
in the wilderness.
For you,
I will pull the clouds by their nostrils,
to provide shade
on the Serengeti
that you may watch the
baobob trees
and the lions playing lazily beneath
in comfort.
And for you,
I would lay for hours on end,
not daring to move my arms
lest I wake you,
if you have fallen restfully to slumber.

Copyright ©2019 Ashi Shadow - 9/9/19 on Shweta.
Inspired by "Come With Me" by Phil Collins.
Still not completely satisfied with it, but satisfied enough.
Originally, I did not intend to end it anything like the way I did, but this ending does give the poem a nice closing.
The poem took a couple of rewrites before I was adequately (but still not perfectly) satisfied with it.

Snippets below:

I tried to make the day last longer for you.
I grabbed the Sun by the cuff
  and tried to keep it out
for another twenty minutes
that you might see the barley grains
wave just a little bit longer.
They, waving goodbye,
  after a day of
  patting our calves
  in worship of us.
They know that you are beautiful,
because you are a human,
but they do not know how beautiful you are
even among the humans.
For you, I would bring a glass of water
from fifty feet away.
But, for you,
I would also bring you to a glass of water
two thousand miles away.
A bird does not know how beautiful you are
when you close your eyes,
but I do.
The morning does not know how beautiful you are
when you open your eyes,
but I do.

Hidden lines for Stanza Fork:
-- us, golden beings to them.
We, human superiors,
of the beautied nature
that comprises them.

For you, I would bring a glass of water
from fifty feet away.
But, for you,
I would also bring you to a glass of water
two thousand miles away.
A bird does not know how beautiful you are
when you close your eyes,
but I do.
The morning does not know how beautiful you are
when you open your eyes,
but I do.