You said we'd roll in clovers,
once it 'came the spring,
but the spring has come and gone again,
and still you've never come.

You said we'd camp by the lake
once it 'came the summer,
but the summer has warmed 'n chilled, my dear,
and still you've never come.

You said we'd jump in leaves,
once it 'came the fall,
but the leaves have come and gone away,
and now the trees are bare.

You said to me we'd build a fort,
and roll in the snow of winter,
but the snow has fallen, the snow has melted,
and the winter's gone away.

The spring you said you'd come and visit,
has come and gone a year ago,
You said you'd come and you never did,
So when when that year came and when that year left...
that year took my love, with it.
Copyright ©2004 Ashi Shadow
On Katie
Started 6/12/04, finished 8/7/04. May still need work.