Where get I the courage to face the wrath of the
gorgon that plagues my mind,
the villain that shows me the wrack and twist
upon the sea of waves
that my heart must sail upon
as his hand doth grasp and rock the boat
while I as a sea gull with sea sickness
grasp the edges and lurch and hurl myself about the boat
but not my innards over its precious rails
for I have got the fighter's sword
impinioned so deeply so,
but oh if it only did not sting
to have the courage that it takes
to rise my crest and snarl my teeth
at the gorgon that tears me apart inside.
Copyright ©2005 Ashi Shadow 12/2/05 Note: I don't care that gorgons are women. This gorgon is a part of me, thus is called male. (I recognize that I'll have to make some changes) The only change that I can see is that "but not my innard" should perhaps be "yet not my innards" Maybe.