My love for you is greater than the wind's roar as it deafens ears,
for no force of Earth, Heaven, or Hell
could ever quiet my heart's cries of "I love you"

My love for you is greater than the ocean's crush- as it powders cliffs of stone to the dust of dust,
for no barrier of matter, space, or time
could ever stand in my way to you forever.

My love for you is greater than the river's speed- as it darts across its miles in minutes,
for no energy of this world or any other
could ever run faster than my heart and soul run tirelessly to you.

My love for you is greater than the cloud's levitation- as they float their way across the sky,
for no weight whether real or imaginary
could ever pull me down from my height of loving you.

My love for you is greater than the Earth's stability- as it remains still through its storms and turbulance,
for no quake of the grounds, depths, or skies
could ever shake or dethrone my love for you.

My love for you is greater than anything is or ever could be
for my love for you is more strong, enduring, and powerful
than any force of man, nature, or God.

I love you.

Copyright ©2002 Ashi Shadow 4/24/02 on Sonnet