(temp title, needs work)
There! Do you see the magnificent serpent dancing?
Look at its iridescent scales and angelic wings. It flies.
There, look at it now,
with the two children riding upon it-
as innocent as the clouds they're flying through.

Now they're growing up.
The boy is wielding a sword.
He's older than the girl.
He yells and charges, sword raised.
He's saving the girl.

Now the girl too has grown.
She's wielding a sword.
The boy is cornered, he may not be able to escape.
But here comes the girl, tearing out of the sky,
sword outset, a downward thrust-
she's saving him.

Not long has passed.
The boy's arms are around her waist,
her arms are around his neck,-
They kiss.
Hearts melt.
"I love you" he says.
"I love you too," she says.
Souls melt.

The souls cross,
They're married.

I love you.
Copyright ©2003 Ashi Shadow

4/10/03 on Katie. The last stanza could use some work. I couldn't remember what the last stanza was supposed to be when I got a chance to write it down. The line after that could use some work too. Murk.