I wonder what happened to my seconds;
spent half in day and half in night,
and spent all in places where I didn't want to spend them.
My legs walk like the second-hand of a clock;
tic-tock tic-tock tic-tock,
each foot in front of the other
in a never ending cadence to my doorstep,
To and from my workplace and back again.

And each night I stare at the stars
upon my way home, beleagured by my disconsolance,
and wishing that I was spending my seconds with you.

Because I love you.
Copyright ©2005 Ashi Shadow on Katie, 2/26/05.
Inspired by the first 2 lines of Milton's "When I Consider How My Light Is Spent":
When I consider how my light is spent,
Ere half my days in this dark world...

It's not quite about the same thing, but it gave me the idea for the half and the day/night contrast. And at any rate, it was after reading a handful of really good poems at the site and thinking "My god, how much my style has suffered from lack of practice.." and noting that their diction was much better than mine has been in many of my recent poems. But then, well, that's what you need: something to stimulate the right parts of your brain. Someone else if not yourself if you haven't been using it recently. Though to be fair, I probably could've gone back and read some of my older poems instead of doing that and gotten the same effect. But at any rate, I'm happy that I went and read some of their poems today because I'm very happy with this one that came as a result of something inspired by Milton's work and thoughts of Katie.