Humans slip between the cracks of life,
unaccustomed to living in the realms of responsibility,
having been raised in a society that's strived for efficiency
above all else,
and then all of a sudden they've got to live by themselves.

I slip running across the ice
trying to make it from one meeting to the next,
my shoulder's out of place, my palm is bleeding and I'm walking with a limp,
but I wash away the blood in the Chemistry department's bathroom,
then wipe the blood away from my nose.
A few seconds later I'm grinning at my students;
giving them a lecture as if nothing ever happened.

I tell my students with a wink that Of
the eight founders of thermodynamics,
six of them went crazy, and two of them killed themselves.
Am I just a step above autism?
What am I to become?
Copyright ©2005 Ashi Shadow 3/11/05 (on me) The idea is that humans innocently slip through the cracks of life from their immaturity and their ignorance, and the point is that that I, am in contrast to them, somebody who actually has a grasp on things (everything) and on what I'm "supposed" to be doing... and that yet... in my own way, I too... am slipping through the cracks of life. Am I... un-okay?... that's a seperate issue...