Hunger is a house with no door except food.
Hunger is a house where in every direction you look,
you see nothing but your stomach, begging.
Hunger is a house where every step you take
has no meaning,
because every step is not a step out.
Hunger is a house where when your stomach rumbles,
it makes you want to cry,
because it's not just telling you you're hungry.
Hunger is a house in which millions of people live,
because they have no other house to live in.

Copyright ©2007 Ashi Shadow 8/7/07
Sunil Uncle's Charity started (to train villagers to do simple business transactions for outsourcing to alleviate their poverty), so I thought about time that starved myself when I was younger in early teens, because I thought I "should" know what being starving was like. Lasted close to a day. For that day, couldn't think of anything else, concentrate on anything else, tried to distract myself. I don't know if I allowed myself to drink water. I probably did. Anyway, thinking about that inspired this.