I am
a function as complicated as the stars, but I will unravel myself at your feet, and then wrap myself around you, that we may never part. |
on Bianca. On how I'm complicated and sensitive and secretive, but force myself to be open with her and honest with her about things that make me insecure. Because I really want things to work with her. And I'm doing things that I've never done, with her. Because I want it to work.
Note: that's such a romantic notion though. A tangled ball unraveling itself for another person, and then wrapping itself around them.
[excerpt from conversation:] ... No, it's more like a crumpled up piece of paper only it's a mathematical function, so it's more like a tangled ball of greek letters and symbols in a complicated mathematical function. Like one of those signs of letters strung together that say "happy birthday", like that. (only in black fonts, the string of letters crumpled)