That's why I try to
pretend I'm happy.
I could never do that!
I could never do what you do!
I don't know how you do it!
I mean, you have so much
more emotions than me,
and yet you get up and keep going!
And I could never do that!
You've been through so much
more than I have!
And I buckle under so much
less than you do!
And I don't know how you do it,
and that's why I always pretend I'm fine.
Because I can't do it.
And if I pretend it's not true,
then maybe I can forget it is.

Copyright ©2008 Ashi Shadow
Written 2005 or so? On Katie. It's supposed to be her speaking, it's fictional, but I am confused about what exactly preceded it, it looks like maybe one of the first few lines is supposed to be me. Maybe line 2. Written along with PUT MY BOXES OF SAD BACK INTO MY HEAD