We walk through life keeping our distance,
smiling and laughing from across the way.
But outside we're only deceiving each other,
because inside our hearts are already holding hands.
You can see it in the way our faces light up when we see each other,
you can see it in the way the harsh world softens beneath our glow,
and you can see it in the way that the corners of our lips curve up when we meet.
But still we lie when we say "I love you"
for still we lie and say it as just friends.
But the truth can be seen if you look close enough,
the truth can be seen in the sparkle of our eyes,
for when our eyes meet they don't lock- they kiss.
And the truth can be seen in what can't be seen,
when my ephereal hand caresses your cheek,
as my heart races and my breath goes soft.
We attempt to act as though everything is normal
though our chests tighten and tug,
straining to get us to hold each other.
Still we resist and still we persist
in pretending that it's okay to remain as friends
even as every time I see you
you take my breath away.
Even as I speak to you
I pull you close and our lips lock
-but only in my mind's eye.
Even as every time we say "I love you"
there's something more that lies beneath.
Copyright ©2001 Ashi Shadow
(11/17/02, day of hike, about Katie... completely in love with her)

*takes in a slow deep breath and lets it out slowly* Well, that's a poem to make mush out of my heart for you. There's a couple rough spots in there, but I think it's still among my best works. It's certainly very meaningful to me. As per the title... the subject of it is definately "I love you," but it's not likely that that's going to be the title.