I tied a ribbon on my hand 12 months ago,
telling myself I'd take it off when I told you I like you.
It took me 3 months until I did.
I tied a ribbon on my finger,
telling myself I'd take it off once I kissed you.
It took another 3 months until I did.
I tied a ribbon on my ankle,
telling myself I'd take it off once I told you I love you;
It was our eight month when I did.
Now I'll only take this ring off my finger, once I no longer love you,
and I know I never will.

Copyright ©2006 Ashi Shadow 5/9/06
A marvelous poem. Was inspired by an entry on ljsecret that went something like "I tied a ribbon to my hand which I said I'd take off after I told you I like you. I haven't taken it off for 3 months." So it's not an entirely original idea. But it's great. Probably needs work (not well written) but we'll see if I ever get back to it.