There was a moment, no two,
when I was in love with her.
The light reflecting off of her
partly open mouthed smile's teeth,
and her eyes.
The whole world was drawn to her,
caught in the swirling whirl of her charisma.
Her youth springing up in that moment
into her face and her limbs,
Her loving being in a happy moment,
With the social interactions,
Peoples' attentions,
their love of her personality,
at that party.

Copyright © 2023 Ashi Shadow
12/09/23 Inspired by Kathlin's smile at Top Golf, at one particular moment (or maybe it was at Rudy's Golf). She was so dazzling and happy in that moment, with such a beautiful smile, that I saw from the side while was turning to interact with people. I then wrote the poem later, but could even remember that smile a few months later. It was one of the best smiles I have seen in my life. For the line "partly open mouthed smile's", I had considered "smiling teeth" or just "partly open mouth smile"