She never liked any men, or women,
until she met Robert.
She said "you kiss like a woman,
but you talk like a man.
You have a hard chest,
but you have a soft rear.
You hold me close like a man,
but you whisper, like a woman, in my ear.
You watch horror movies
and sometimes are as tough as stone,
but later, after all the spiders are dead,
you go back to watching cartoons.
Despite what others may think,
you're the type to pick kids up with a smile,
you give them a high five,
and ignore the other guys for a while.
Your stage-shows allow
for your caged canary to sing,
and at nights that are rare
you dance, in a binge.

All men have a little woman in them,
but your woman is so tender,
and your man is so hard.

How spoiling it feels
to mash my lips with yours
on the days that you
kiss like a woman,
and talk like a man.

Copyright ©2018 Ashi Shadow - - Started 6/14/18, finished 7/11/18.
Inspired by Kiss Like A Woman (song) by Mona, and by Robert Stephan.