And I told her
"I am your lips tattoo.
They will not get me off of you.
Come rain or snow or monsoon,
People will always find me on your lips.

In the snowy paths of the highest mountains
and the backs of movie theaters
my lips will find their way to your ears,
but even then
you will feel them on your lips.

They were fated to be there
and nowhere else.
The tastiest frosted flakes
and the curve of your breasts
could not lure them away,
not even for a moment.
Do not fool yourself,
even if you feel my lips somewhere else,
check and you will see,
you will feel
they are still on yours."

Copyright ©2015 Ashi Shadow - 4/1/16 on Averi.

Originally had the word "the" before "movie theaters".
considered adding the line "when we are alone" after "and the backs of movie theaters".
Inspired by "First Kiss" rendition in Hajime Miura's 2015 world Yo Yo contest in Tokoyo.
Maybe "check and you will see" should be "check and you will find".
Maybe 2nd last line should be different.