I know love's out there                 
It's just not for me                    
I will never care,                      
never will there emotions be.           
My feelings are gone...                 
Anger, Love, Happiness, Rage.           
They're all trapped                     
I'll never unlock the cage              
Never again will I see red,             
never again will I be blue              
all the emotions, they're finally dead, 
never to say "I love you"               
The meaning is gone                     
my heart is blank                       
something is wrong,                     
and I have myself to thank.             
Nothing to fill the emptiness...        
will just pretend to be nice,           
so that's how I'll dress.               
I'll tuck in my shirt                   
I'll comb my hair,                      
might as well,                          
life's going nowhere.                   
Dreams are dreams,                      
they're nothing more                    
they're not worth my time,              
for I could find some meaningless chore.
Turn off the T.V.,                      
turn off the light                      
make the surroundings match me,         
make it the night.                      
Stare at the stars,                     
let out some tears,                     
promise not to die                      
for fifty years.                        
Keep on going,                          
living for no reason                    
except that leaving mourners behind,    
is worse than committing treason.       

Copyright ©1999 Ashi Shadow