Forever Unforgiven

I know I made a mistake,
but I said I was sorry-
because I am sorry.
Believe me,
for if I could change what I did,
then I would,-
but I can't.

I know that I'm not perfect.
I know I've made mistakes.
But I do try to be perfect, I do.
But then I falter,
and I fall from my steeple,
losing my right,
to be a paragon of virtue.

But as I fall from my state of grace
I recognize the mistake I made
and I seek, no beg-
for redemption-
A liberty that you won't allow me.

My cries go unanswered
as I attempt to bear the pain,
of being less than good enough,
even though I know of my mistake
and will never make it again.
But that's not good enough,
for once was once too many.
And so my cries go unanswered,
falling upon dead ears
or an unresponding mouth.

And your silence bites deeply into me,
more than any words that you could have spoken.
I have suffered more painful wounds in past,
but never wounds so deep.
You can't see the blood,
it's there, though you can't see it.
You could if you looked,
but you don't, you look away-
because I'm not worthy of being looked upon.
So the blood that falls escapes your vision,
and you're blind to the tears that blur my sight.

And as you turn away,
I turn away too.
For the silence that you have left me in
tears me apart, eating away at my insides,
and removing me from the world
that I'm not worthy enough to be in,
the world where I shall remain,
forever unforgiven.

Copyright ©2001 Ashi Shadow