A babbling brook runs below,
and you're smiling-
looking in another direction,
oblivious to the fact,
that I am staring at you;
admiring your beauty,
and smiling to myself,-
at how lucky I am to have known you,

Among all of the epochs of time,
to have been born and breathed into
the same space and epoch as you,
with the echelons of time,
parting amongst our waysides,
and you, barely noticing and not even knowing,
that the whole world
lives and breathes,
on every move that you make,
that each footstep that you leave behind,
relays out a world of ripples behind it,
that carve and sculpt the very face of the earth that we know...
while you walk on by, obliviously on by,
and I, beneath you,
amongst the brush beside the river,
am content, at merely being able to have known you,
though I, am your greatest admirer.
Copyright ©2005 Ashi Shadow 3/20/05 On Katie, written while listening to streamside by Sigur Ros. I love her very much.
There needs to be a big pause at "and you," before "barely noticing," and another after "though I" before "am your..." at the end. Other than that, everything is fairly self-explanatory.