You look at me from the corner of the bar
and look away again,
wanting my attention
after looking arrogant all night.

But all night you thought
you were better than me
and everybody else in here
because you thought
it was slim pickings.

But now that you realize
there's nobody more right for you
in here, than me,
you come back to me.

I don't know
if I want to be
somebody's scraps,
last recourse.
Now that you come down from your arrogance,
your perch.

But then I realized
that your pride was not pride,
but just humility that you had not discovered yet.

And everybody has pride
until they discover humility about that thing.
And I should not hold that against you.
Instead I should let human reality
well-up inside of me
and be humble too,
and embrace you.

Copyright ©2016 Ashi Shadow - 6/14/16 on a pretty woman at the Knoxville poetry slam.
Not the best looking woman, nor the most intelligent, but she seemed like she was into fantasy things and some level of formal behavior.
She seemed nice enough other than seeming haughty.
She was pretty good-looking and in average shape.
Hair and makeup well kept by conventional standards.
The wording passive aggressive refers to her.