I'm pushed along the path        
it's an unfriendly forest        
the crowed out criticisms,       
behind me make a chorus          
it's not the path I want         
it's not me at all               
they're pushing me too hard      
I know I'm going to fall         
I turn off of the path           
my breathing breaks uneven       
It's uncharted territory         
but it's leading to my heaven    
I walk for miles and miles       
I know I should be closer        
I look up from my struggles      
and feel like I'm a failure      
their path led to the peak       
mine into a swamp                
it's too late to turn back       
and neither are what I want      
I know that I was wrong,         
but it's not like they were right
I can't see my heaven            
it's just not in sight           
and now I know why               
I've finally realized            
that I'm under the sky           
living just to die               
they'll go on to heaven          
they'll all be happy             
I'll stay lost forever           
I will stay lonely               
I look down at my feet           
but I'm no longer on the ground  
I'm falling into a pit           
I'm going down down down         
I reach out to my side           
I try to grab a hand             
there's none to grab mine        
I slip below the land            
the endless bottom is closer     
I look up to the sky             
noone to pull me out             
surely I will die                
the circle's getting smaller     
the hole is getting wider        
my anguish is getting heavier    
my hope is getting lighter       
my world begins to crumble       
the walls are caving in          
I can't hold it up alone         
but there's no alternative       
inside my little hole            
I am being crushed               
left alone to die,               
a single pile of dust.           
Copyright ©2000 Ashi Shadow