Did I ever tell you

Morning wakes
and a dull ache
settles over my heart.
Healing salves
try their best
but nothing is able
    to remove the pain.

It's like I've acquired
a permanent disability
in my heart.
Some days mild,
some days severe,
all from loving you
even after you're gone.

Of course I don't want
a permanent disability, in my heart.
But if getting rid of it
means stopping loving you
    I don't want to.

Copyright ©2020 Ashi Shadow -1/20/20 on Shweta.
"Of course I don't want" initially considered "to have" as beginning the next line.
For "stopping up loving you" I also considered "giving up my love for you" .
There are several distinct pauses in this poem.
There should be a big gap after the first line.
After that, it is supposed to be read a little faster than most of my poems, almost like a run on sentence in a mild/relaxed and rather monotonous intonation.
Small pause in "a permanent disability / in my heart.
"The word "then," at the end should have some inflection (louder and more energetic for emphasis).