He walked back and forth
back and forth
inside of his prison
and could not seem to get out.
He persistently sought for his freedoms,
and could not seem to find them.

The food that they served
was terrible,
no matter what spices were put upon them.
Every book
was by an author who couldn't write,
because none of the books could make him smile.

The beds
must not have been made
for human occupation,
because he had trouble sleeping in any of them,
and he had tried many of them.

Perhaps the speakers
were low quality,
because the music that came out was lackluster.

Perhaps the barbers were bad,
because he no longer cared for his hair.
Perhaps the tailors were untalented,
because there was nothing to be proud of
in his reflection.

Perhaps the drink
was all grog,
because he took no pleasure from drinking it.

And perhaps the company was terrible,
because he took no pleasure from talking to them.

Each day brought no hope
for a brighter tomorrow.
The whole world
was a prison cell,
now that she had him locked
out of her heart.

Copyright ©2018 Ashi Shadow -1/25/18
Inspired by a line near the end of the book "Tell Me" by Abigail Strom
Was originally "now that she had locked him", but I felt ending the line on "locked" put more emphasis on it. On Averi.