Other men may make their way
upon the streets in reason,
but I will not listen to their beguiles
and succumb myself to treason. (1)

Instead I'll walk amongst the shoals (2)
and wind my way around,
and amidst the beggars and amongst the whores
I'll find my way through town.

It may'th not be paved
and not be smooth
and not take the carri'ge's wheels,
but it will take my feet
where others would not
and will tolerate my heels.(3)

So I'll find my way
and will find my sights
like the corners of a cave,
where I'll find but rocks
that may be but black,
but are treasures
to those that know.(4)
Copyright ©2004 Ashi Shadow
(1)To follow reason over romanticism (to take the shorter more efficient / conservative way over the long way)
(2)Shoals = Alleys, the "low end" in depths of the town.
(3)The back alleys may be riddled with trash and uncleanliness and even unkept roads, but unlike the main roads I can walk there (ironically) in peace, and moreover, it's not merely that the backroads will let me walk there. More importantly, my feet (as in I) don't mind walking there. It's more for a spike of irony that I state that "it will take my feet / where others would not" as opposed to vice versa.
(4)Like diamonds that appear as coal to those that do not know any better, so is the sights of the culture and the hidden things amongst the alley. I actually had an interesting day today where I wandered about through a "poor" area on my way to a bookstore to pick up an obscure book. It was... one of the most interesting and enjoyable days I've had in a long time. The area was so rich with culture. I'd rather wished that I lived there instead of where I do.