Lights twinkle in the distance.
Roman soldiers holding swords and torches.
They come to sack the ports of Troy,
the way the Greeks did
a thousand years before.
They don't come in triremes,
they don't come in secret,
they don't come in romance.
They come in force.
They are the Romans.
They are the modern Spartans.
Can't you see their swords?
They all have sharp tips.
They'll gut you, they'll loot you,
they'll burn down your castle,
and then they'll go home to their families.
Copyright ©2003 Ashi Shadow
Written 4/17/03, really just inspired by seeing streetlights and houselights outside of my window (at Hale Lehua, 11th floor). They reminded me of torches. Much like in the 13th warrior movie.