I walk in the rain
and somehow the Sun's shadows don't fall on me as they're blocked by clouds. But I still manage to hang on to hope as I walk through the dreary slant of the rain with the cold puddles of water lapping at my feet because I know that the clouds are a sign that the Sun still exists to evaporate water if only to pour its tears on my head. |
Copyright ©2007 Ashi Shadow 4/12/07
The Shadow's of the Sun = Sunlight.
The clouds are the bad things that keep the good things out of my life
The tears are the rain, and are a metaphor for my tears (even it's the
Sun's tears in the poem.)
The 2nd last line is actually just to say that I know that the sun still
exists because it evaporates the water (to make the clouds ultimately --
see the clouds, know the source), it's not significant that the Sun
evaporates water in a metaphorical sense.