She had the kind of love
that would make all other loves grow pale,
She had the kind of love
that could make the trees lean the other way,
She had the kind of love
that could make the dark night into day.
She had the kind of love,
that could pull back the tide,
like the cream of the milk
She had the kind of love
that could take an old cat and make it young.
She had the kind of love
that could turn back the hands of time.
She had the kind of love
that knew not its bounds.
She had the kind of love that was...
his love.
Copyright ©2006 Ashi Shadow 2/14/06 on Jessie.

"It's not very good" are acceptable first words
The 4th line in particular is very good I think
and I like the concept, and I like the end
but it's not very well written
the tide bit is pretty good though but doesn't go well with the line after it
but I did want a metaphor for it, so it does need a fair amount of work
well, or a simile : P