(I call this stanza "When I was just a boy...") As I grew up in Indiana, I watched all the Disney movies, My favorite of them all, was one called "Sleeping Beauty". It had its hero, its princess, some magic, and a villain. And in its very end, it even had a dragon. I was sucked in by the magic, I became a fan of romance, I knew that when I grew up, that I would have my chance. (I call this stanza "When I became a man...") I looked all around me and tried to find my match, But I simply turned up empty and had to start from scratch. But I knew that she was out there, and that someday I would find her, so I searched in every nook and cranny to find my perfect flower. But no matter where I looked, no matter what the flower patch, there was never any single flower, who could ever be my match. Oh there were many who were beautiful, and there were many who were nice, but when it all came down to matching, I knew that none were mine. (I guess this stanza would be "When she came along..." *smirk*) And then one day as I stood in a forgotten flower patch, there came along a silly flower whose words could make me laugh. But more than that she'd make me smile and she would make me happy, and as we talked and as we laughed, I'd forgotten all things sappy. And Eventually I realized just what I fool I'd been, I'd searched the world for my true love while she was 'neath my chin. I'd tried to find the fairytale when I had something better, now I've stopped my search and when the story ends, I'll be with my silly flower. Copyright ©2000 Ashi Shadow