The Stars In My Sky

Before she walked into my life 
it was an empty sky;           
It was pitch black and dark,   
and made me wish I'd die.      
I was alone and lonely-        
I was filled with woe,         
I had pitied myself,           
e'er since long ago.           
'n then she showed up,         
and stayed for a while         
and despite all the darkness   
she got me to smile.           
On that first meeting,         
appeared a bright star-        
the first in my sky            
of those that there are.       
The best of my memories        
made the brightest of stars,   
and they now fill my sky       
and cover my scars.            
And if I'm feeling lonely,     
or if I'm feeling down,        
I look upon those stars,       
and they take away my frown.   
And every time I see her now,  
another's added to the sky,    
and the last thing that I'd do,
is wish that I would die.      

Copyright ©2000 Ashi Shadow

The following poem was written much later, during the time when Lerana may have left me,
and was written in accordance with the poem above.


Comets blaze across the darkness
of the vast infinitude of space,
leaving glowing trails of light
that infringe upon the space of the stars.
While such bright tails and long trails,
they leave no dent in the light of the stars,
and all the memories left in me by you,
shall carry through until the end of eternity
...and beyond.
while more memories made by you
shall go on to form still more stars,
And many times over
you shall set your mark upon the sky
ensuring your membrance inside my world,
while the stars you've made are still
piercing the vast blackness of space.

Copyright ©2001 Ashi Shadow