Some poets
might walk into a room
and tap-dance for you

Not so with me.

I might walk into a room
and kiss a woman,
or cry

but my stories,
always have a splash of color
in a larger story.

Copyright ©2011 Ashi Shadow - -8/22/11 6:50 AM, can't sleep.
Splash of color is really splashes of color, but is conveyed better this way I think.
Meaning is pretty clear I think.
My poems tend to have a larger story with a few strong words of strong diction (like "tap-dance", "kiss," and "splash"), and I think that has a larger effect.
And then I have strong rhyme and meter throughout my poem to couch it.
So I think my poems are much more beautiful than those that are intense throughout.
Like in the song "Stand By Me", the song is quiet all the time except in the chorus, and has those violin crescendos, so is all the more beautiful.