"Sweet dreams," we say,
while the words "I love you"
dangle from the tips of our tongues.
"Sweet dreams," we say,
while what we really mean is
"I never want to part"
while what we really mean is
"Not even for sweet dreams"
while what we really mean is
"not even for dreams with you"
while what we really mean is
"I love you more than anything else in the world"
while what we really mean is
"I love you as MORE than a friend, and I want to say it"
while what we really mean is
"I want to kiss you, tonight!" Again...
while what we really mean is
"I love you so much, will you love me back?
while what we really mean is
"I wish... if only this night could last forever,
then it'd already be like we're married,
and we'd be so happy that...
we wouldn't need to have sweet dreams,
because then we'd already live in one."
Copyright ©2003 Ashi Shadow

6/27/03....Katie and I mean a little more when we say the words "Sweet dreams" to each other at the end of the night.