She wrestles inside my chest,
battling my feelings
as though she can win.
Her memory trying to subdue my feelings.
For what purpose?
Why doesn't she want me to be sad?
And what makes her think that
she can make me less sad
by defeating my feelings?

But it is only my memory of her.
And in my memory,
she has no choice
but to try to defeat my sadness.

Of course, in that memory,
she also loves me.
And also,
This sadness that her memory is trying to defeat,
is only now,
after she has left.

Copyright ©2018 Ashi Shadow - 7/19/18 fictional.
On vague feelings of women I've loved most.
Inspired by the words "you wrestle still inside my chest" by Devorah Noguest in the poem "of daughters":