If you search for the number 4,
you will find the number 4 everywhere.
4 steps to your front door
4 colors in a children's train set.
4 pine trees in your neighbor's yard.

If you search for beauty,
you will find beauty everywhere.
Beauty in the way the snow falls.
Beauty in the way a tree branch bends.
Beauty in a way that a maple leaf falls.
Beauty in the way that a river curves.
Beauty in the people around you.
Beauty in their skin.
Beauty in their smiles.
Beauty in their stray hairs.
Beauty in the way that they smile at others.
Beauty in their vulnerability.
Beauty in their strength.
Beauty in their ambitions.
Beauty in their humanity.

The world is filled with beauty.
You just need to spend your time
looking for it.

Copyright ©2022 Ashi Shadow - 12/25/22.
Inspired by thoughts of how I don't spend as much time appreciating the look of tree branches and other things as I did whenI was a child.
A thought I have every few years, and it is (I think) mainly because I spend too much time working and other things.
The search for number four portion was inspired by the beginning of the 1998 movie Pi.