The Tic-Toc of my heart

pitter patters at night
like rain upon
the window to the timeline of my soul.

How long must I wait
beneath these deep starry nights
before the promise of my love
is fulfilled.

How long must I endure
this test of loyalty
to the woman of my dreams, my true love

before I get to see her face.

Copyright ©2009 Ashi Shadow 7/26/09 left unfinished.
I think I will leave it intentionally unfinished.
The woman of my dreams is a fictional woman I haven't met yet.
I think the rest is pretty obvious.
The line-break after the first line was not originally there, and when I was writing I hadn't decided whether the last line would be a new stanza or not.
I also considered "before I get to be with her", and considered putting "my true love" before "the woman of my dreams".
(actually, originally was going to be only one, but decided to include both when writing).