"That's ridiculous," he said,
"There is no power in 'The name of Jesus',
that wasn't even his name,
so how could it have any power."

She smiled at the young man, wisely.
"You are right, of course.
There is no power in the name
spelled by 'Jesus',
The power is in the name spoken
in your head," she said, tapping the side of her head.
"You can say the name Jesus, or Allah,
or Krishna, it does not matter what name you say,
what matters is what name your spirit says.

And it doesn't matter if you say it
in a church, at an altar, or at a mandir.

The Earth is your temple, the wind is its walls,
the dirt is its floor.

You can build on it what you want,
you can build on it where you want,
but what matters is what you build
in your spirit."

Copyright ©2022 Ashi Shadow - 9/18/22.
Considered adding "That's preposterous," as a line after the word "Power" (as 5th line).
The first stanza break is not supposed to be there, but is added for the convenience of readers.