Isn't it ironic-
the love that fuels the wings in my feet.
I thought it would always take me to you,
but now it takes me away, from you.
Now it makes me run.
As far as the sun rises and as far as the sun sets.
Mayhaps I look back every second or so,
but I won't be turning back.
The gentle caresses that tamed my heart
have been forgotten by the
slaps that shattered it.
I'd never want to forget you,
but I don't know how I can ever be held by you,
now that I know how much you can hurt me.
Copyright ©2004 Ashi Shadow. Written on 2/29/04 on Katie.
It's actually written on... Jenna was basically saying that I was a bad boyfriend to Katie and that I should be nicer to her and that I should do more special things for her. Which... really hurt compounded with Katie saying that she wished I did more spontaneous boyfriend things for her. But that really hurt me. Although... I guess I see what she feels like in some sense because.. I remember when I used to want to bring flowers to people every time. But it's just... this is different. I love her so much that I don't even WANT to do that. Which is actually ironic. But that's not what the poem's about anyway : P It's about how much it hurt me and made me feel like a crappy person and made me want to run away and never come back.. to her... because of how much.. she hurt me. Not by what she did, but by me not being good enough for her. So really.. not how much she hurt me, but how much she hurts me.