There was once a man who walked down the street,
and saw all the couples smiling,
and they all then just smiled along at him
and tried their best to be friendly,

Because they wanted him to be happy too
and they wanted to cheer him up,
but he just wouldn't take to their friendly propositions
and instead he just looked away.

And though he walked by the park
and saw a little boy who was there playing with his puppy,
it couldn't take him away from what was making his pain
and it couldn't help him to become happy.

It was with a heavy foot and a heavy heart
that he traversed the world each day,
with a little more of the person that he was,
beginning to fade a little bit more, with every passing day.

And though there were people that he'd knew and loved,
from a life that he once knew,
throughout their bestest efforts to try and make him smile,
he just continued to remain blue.

Because there was still a hole that was inside his heart-
a hole that was too big to fill,
that left him crying alone, in the midst of the night,
and wishing for the arms that could hold him still.

Copyright ©2012 Ashi Shadow -- 2nd half of 2004