Four small pairs of ears
perked to the voice of their taller friend,
who told a tale they never had heard:
the story of the woman of sand.

Not ten feet from them the statue stood,
and then the story began.

"There once was a woman, who once was a girl,
who lived in the mountains beyond those hills.

She played in the grass and cavorted with her accomplice -
she rollicked in those hills with a boy her own age.

There came a time when they'd both grown older,
and it crossed their minds that together ey'd stay.
But there was no bounty, for they were mere peasants,
and indeed their whole lives their clothes had been torn.
So they made a decision that they made together,
that he would set sail for the mainland of Europe-
there was a new crop-plant that had come from far East, and if they could just grow it,
they could have children whose clothes were not torn.
So he raised up the sail of their small fishing vessel,
and they parted with feeling as he left from the shore.
She waited and waited, but he'd come nevermore.
So here stands the statue of Arabatha."

* * * *

Copyright ©2013 Ashi Shadow -7/15/09, don't recall what inspired it.
As you can see, the doggerel poem is not finished, the statue of her is made of sand.
I could use some help polishing it properly and maybe filling in what's missing.
Find a way of making it clear what you did!
Write it down underneath or something, unless you make very heavy changes in which case I'll be able to see most of them easily.