Time falls between the cracks.
Moments slip through our fingers;
and Still,
we stand across the river-
watching each other,
from opposite banks,
while time trickles by,
and we stand imprisoned behind our eyes,-
enchained by our hearts,
Too enamored to walk away,
but too panged to be embraced.

What will become of us?
Two empassioned lovers,
drenched by water,
and seperated by a river.
I hope nothing bad.
Because I still want you.
Copyright ©2004 Ashi Shadow --11/15/04 on Chun-yi, shortly after breaking up. While listening to O'Celia by FireTruck Rob.
I'm very proud of this poem. It's my first poem about Chun-yi (though that's not why I'm proud of it). I think there needs to be some kind of break of some kind before "I hope." Though I'm not sure what. Not a line break I don't think. Maybe.