I see the urban princess
with her perfect smile
and her semi-perfect hair.
She is no beauty queen
but she is so carefree.
Everything in life
handed to her,
including her own limit to the sky.
No saddles from ambition
due to unique talent
or exceptional intelligence.
No great responsibilities.
Just smiles.
And a handsome boyfriend,
and parents who spoil her.
And friends who like her.
It must be very easy
to be an urban princess.
And I do envy her.
But I would not trade my talents
and my loneliness
for that life
and that lack of
heart wrenching loyalty.

Copyright ©2018 Ashi Shadow - 3/2/18 finished 3/10/18.
The last four lines were not there in the initial envisioning, and maybe the last line in particular could use some change, but I think it captures it well enough for the moment.