You and I were like twin ships,
that have both gone astray.
You got lost, and I got broken,
and we both lost our way.

My mast is broken,
your compass is out of field,
your firstmate's inelegant,
and mine has gone away.

Somewhere in the shallow waters
we can't find the air to breathe
something, somehow just went wrong
and we never made it to the deep.

Where were our dreams and our stars
and the paths that to there would lead?
It would seem that they too somehow
have gotten lost amongst the deeps.

With the jagged teeth and the armoured floor
of the rocks and ocean dwellers
and not a scratch where we can fit
but outside amongst the shallows.

But come on now, let's us not despair;
I've got another plan-
we can make another life, amongst the shores,
and there we can hold hands.
Copyright ©2006 Ashi Shadow 2/12/06 on Mele. Needs work.