Soaring above
in the midst of night
were an angel of Love
and an angel of Fright.

The angel of Love
Hid in the night;
he was shrouded by shadows
but fought for the light.

While the angel of Fright
was full of pain;
she'd been living in night
all alone once again.

They both were lost,
and both were alone-
But their fates were crossed
though neither 'ad known.

Flying new skies
Fright searched for a cure
to all of the loneliness
she'd had to endure.

And that's where she saw Love-
sitting, unblinking.
She was curious of
what he was thinking.

"What are you doing?"
She asked interrupting.
And he stopped to tell her,
Although he'd been thinking.

They became friends then
but fell in love fast,
and from there commenced
in a love that would last.

They'd hugged and they'd kissed,
and made love while embraced.
Until then they'd both missed
True Love's sweet taste.

Now it's the end of the story
and they're still together
as they head with no hurry
to the end of forever.

Copyright ©2000 Ashi Shadow