Dancing beneath the high roof of the highschool gym,
all of the pretty girls and the pretty boys
laugh and smile their lives away;
while we, who are the wallflowers,
stand by the walls of the sidelines,
and fill the bleachers at the game,
knowing that we're not meant to be on the court-
but it doesn't matter, since we'd trip over our feet
and make fools of ourselves anyway,
while the cool ones danced the night away,
over our shame-ridden corpses
littering the floor of the dance floor.

And at the end of the night we'll all go home
to our silver bullets and computer games
and our tombs of magic and our horrific knife collections.

But at the end of the day as we grasp a knife in one hand
and a stuffed animal in the other,
what we really want is to be loved-
and to be in love...
with somebody who loves us.

And as I stood there in the corner of the darkness,
trying to hide from any possibility of you seeing me looking at you,
dancing with him,
it made me wish...
it made me wish that I was the one dancing with you.

Instead of standing against the wall,
watching the toes of my shoes,
wishing that after the 8 years that we'd been friends...
that I'd gotten to have at least one dance with you.
while all of the cool kids
danced my prom away.
Copyright ©2004 Ashi Shadow
Written 7/3/04, found 8/8/04. Not sure of topic. Presumably on Katie. Maybe she was talking about how great some other guy is.