My lips lock with air
as the night closes in,
as the waves wash away
the life I've forsaken.

Your face hovers before me,
out of place in the darkness,
a mirage of my imagination
trying to stave off the loneliness.

If only I weren't without you-
Perhaps if I had you in my arms,
perhaps then my wounds would sew themselves
on both my insides and my heart.

But I know that you're not with me,
and I know you won't be back,
which is why I look away and cry,
with my arms on me enwrapped.
Copyright ©2003 Ashi Shadow
12/29/03 on Katie. Just feeling a little lonely. Partially as a result of no kisses, and partially as a result of... just feeling like maybe she doesn't like me that much (perhaps I was naive). And partially because I feel like I like her too much and smother her too much so think I should go away, which hurts. I don't want to be me. I want to be right for her.