You Women are such assholes.
You think you're so much better than us,
just because I have a penis and you don't.
You think that makes you better than me?
Do you think that made you better than me
when I walked in as a ten year old
to find the female japanese babysitter
playing with my 2 year old brother's penis?
What the fuck was she getting from it?
The kid wasn't even old enough to have an erection for Christ's sake.
I thought she might be after me next,
so I ran to my room and I locked the door.
but I'll never forgive myself for not having saved him
from the hands of that witch.

And what about my mom's best friend,
the one who decided she'd rather be on her own
fucking whomever she pleased and not paying child support.
Oh of course she didn't have to,
because the father was a good person.
He was willing to watch the kids AND pay the bills when she ran off.

Or my best friend's mom
who became a crack addict
and beat her senseless,
fracturing her skull
because "it ain't love until it hurts"
and then taking the car and leaving
for another state with another man.
Well her father took good care of her and raised her well.
To this day the mother is now referred to as "the monster."

And here you sit here crying "Victim, victim"
"I'm a female, so I'm a victim, victim."
Well who the fuck do you think you are.
What the fuck do you think
the 14 year old Christian boy from Kansas was
when the 22 year old girl pushed him on his back, on his bed,
despite his screams, despite his "Get off!" because he didn't understand,
and she said "Quiet, quiet, you'll like this, trust me!"
But he just kicked and struggled
as tears began to roll down his face
while she pulled off his pants, and his underwear,
exposing his most private thing.
And then he cried while she touched it
with her experienced hands
and touched it until it was semi-erect,
and then laid unwanted kisses, upon his face,
and slid the semi-erect penis into her cunt with an
"ooh" and a sigh.
And she fucked him. She fucked him.
She fucking gyrated herself ontop of him,
while he cried, not understanding, understanding only
that she was touching the one thing that was meant to be hidden
until he was married.
And she fucked him, taking away his purity, his chastity from birth,
his virginity
meant only for his wife- not her.
And she fucked him, moaning and smiling as she came.
And she raped him. Fucking him until she orgasmed.

Sure, he got to take his shower after it was done,
and sure, most of her vaginal liquids washed away,
but somehow it still felt sticky down there,
and somehow it seemed like he could still smell her, smell.
and somehow he was afraid that his parents might notice.
and even if they didn't, God would.
And there he sat, with the smell of cunt upon him,
and the image of her on top of him,
while tears rolled from his eyes.

And here I stand now.
Standing here, listening to you fucking women
calling all men fucking assholes,
when most of us have never done a damn thing to you.
Well fuck off. I'm a man, and I've never raped or beaten a woman.
The problem is not men you fucking assholes,
the problem is humans. Get it right and stop calling us men names.
Maybe I'll shutup now or maybe I won't.
But women aren't the only ones who know what it's like to be raped or beaten.
And women sure as hell ain't innocent either.
But just look at me, I've stooped to your level,
calling you names so that you know how it feels for me,
a good man,




And look at you, because you're a woman, you probably only have to put up with it once in your life.
But me,
I have to put up with being called this shit every single day.
Well, the least you can do is clap.
so clap, assholes.
Copyright ©2003 Ashi Shadow

8/3/03, not really meant as a poem. It's a rebuttal to slam poetry crap that degrades men.