The Wonders of The World

It is true that I have lived in the dreams of others when I've...
Seen the thundering of Niagra Falls
Heard the chiming of Big Ben
Rode upon an elephant
Walked the halls of the Taj Mahal
Walked the walls of the Forts of Agra
Scuba dived with black tipped sharks
Hiked to the peak of the largest mountain
Seen the lattice of the Eiffel Tower
Skied the snow of the cold Swiss Alps
Seen the scenes from Frankenstein
Traced my hand along Lord Byron's signature
Seen the Statue of Liberty standing steadfast
seen the World Trade Center before it fell...
And have seen more and shall see many more wonders of the world by the time I'm 30...

But I've yet to find the joy of...
kissing my Love upon the lips
making love in the still of night
wearing her ring upon my finger
being pronounced "Husband and Wife"
gazing upon my first born child
beaming proudly at my childrens' marriages
and buying sweets to spoil my grandchildren.
These are but a few of the wonders that make up my dreams,
which have been lived by others but not yet me.
I think my first list may have been a little long, but I wanted it to be relatively complete. I think shortening it to only the most interesting would've made it sound better... but then it wouldn't really be my list

I would have put in waltzing and holding hands but I've already done both of those with people I love:)

I think it's "Man and Wife" but that sounds too sexist for my taste:)

Mark my words, I shall live out my dreams, I just wish it was sooner than later:)

Copyright ©2001 Ashi Shadow